
California Workers’ Compensation
LABOR CODE §4660 and §4660.1 EVALUATIONS

Keith Wilkinson & Assoc. conducts Labor Code §4660 and Labor Code §4660.1 evaluations to determine whether a California injured worker is totally disabled.

The evaluation process typically involves a medical examination by a qualified medical evaluator (AME, PQME, PTP) who assesses the worker’s physical and/or mental impairments.

The vocational expert then translates these impairments into disabilities by thoroughly evaluating the injured worker’s work abilities and earning potential. This requires a review of the individual’s work history, education, skills, and medical limitations.


An injured worker may be eligible for benefits from the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF) if they have a pre-existing disability or injury made worse by a new work-related injury. A vocational expert may be asked to conduct an SIBTF evaluation to assess the individual’s work abilities and earning potential in light of their pre-existing disability or injury. The expert will also consider the impact of the workers’ compensation claim and the combined effect of both claims on the injured worker’s amenability to rehabilitation.

The SIBTF evaluation is important in determining the individual’s eligibility for SIBTF benefits and the appropriate level of benefits to be awarded. The expert’s findings and recommendations will inform the decision on the individual’s eligibility and to guide the appropriate level of benefits that should be awarded.


We provide comprehensive vocational assessments to evaluate the impact of an injury on a person’s ability to work and earn a living. We can also assess the future earning capacity of an injured person and provide expert testimony in court.


We offer vocational evaluations to help determine whether an individual’s disability or medical condition played a role in their termination, demotion or other negative job-related action. Our team can also assist in identifying reasonable accommodations to assist the individual in maintaining employment.


We provide vocational evaluations to determine a person’s earning capacity and potential for employment, which can be crucial in calculating a spouse’s support in determining child support.

Contact us today.